General knowledge of Al Bayda' Governorate the state/province of Yemen

Mostly asked questions about the province Al Bayda' Governorate

What is the country of Al Bayda' Governorate ?

What is the country code ISO2 of Al Bayda' Governorate ?

How many cities are in the state Al Bayda' Governorate ?

What are geo coordinates of each city in Al Bayda' Governorate ?

What are the name of cities of Al Bayda' Governorate ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Al Bayda' Governorate

First question is about the country which is Yemen and YE is its ISO2 also known as country code. Third question is about the cities of Al Bayda' Governorate there is only 21 cities in this state. Following is the list of each city in Al Bayda' Governorate by their geo coordinates/latitude and longitude.

State/Province Name Al Bayda' Governorate
Country Name flag of YE Yemen
Country Code YE
Total States of Yemen 21
Total Cities of State 21

All Cities of Al Bayda' Governorate

City No. City Name Latitude Longitude
1 Al A'rsh 14.36560000 44.77780000
2 Al Bayḑā’ 13.93666000 45.54822000
3 Al Bayda 13.98523000 45.57272000
4 Al Bayda City 13.98490000 45.55660000
5 Al Malagim 14.36540000 45.38510000
6 Al Quraishyah 14.60500000 44.88960000
7 Ar Ryashyyah 14.24240000 44.77540000
8 As Sawadiyah 14.45198000 45.36973000
9 As Sawma'ah 14.16670000 45.83110000
10 Ash Sharafayn 14.30697000 45.12634000
11 At Taffah 14.19830000 45.35810000
12 Az Zahir 13.99180000 45.42180000
13 Dhi Na'im 14.11110000 45.46420000
14 Maswarah 14.40270000 45.70330000
15 Mukayras 14.03200000 45.79640000
16 Na'man 14.59390000 45.52860000
17 Nati' 14.55390000 45.58500000
18 Radā‘ 14.34000000 44.90874000
19 Radman Al Awad 14.48360000 45.27440000
20 Sabah 14.27590000 44.67000000
21 Wald Rabi' 14.55574000 44.90596000